Saturday, September 6, 2014

If your rat hammock smells like poop.....

If your rat hammock smells like poop... (Please excuse my non-lady like gestures) look at this!!!

So what I do when my room starts smelling like a sewer... (Sorry ratikinns) It's partly the hammock.

And the platforms...

And the rats....

Ways to prevent that from happening is...

For the hammocks, get two of them. Place one in your rat cage (Duh) And when that one smells bad, replace it with the other one. While that clean one is developing serious stink, clean up the first one by either putting it in the laundry (Make sure it's safe first) or hosing it off. When the second one smells bad, replace it with the clean one. Keep doing that.

For the rats...

Simply wash them every month or so with the directions from the Bath Time post.

For the platforms, get baby wipes and wipe them off 2 times a day.

Clean your rat's cage every week. 



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