Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I remembered!

Hello to you!

   As the title explains I am not a complete failure to the blog world. Today consisted of noise, noise, and noise, but at least my birthday's tomorrow! :D There isn't much to say about today, but I'll try to explain some parts.

   Today as usual I got up, went to school, blah-de-deh-oh-blah blah blah and y'know, came home. That's all I can say. Everything else isn't that interesting. On Wednesdays, we have half days at school, so right after school tomorrow I get to go out to the barn and bring cupcakes to my trainer and peppermints to the ponies. Yay! The cupcakes are the same ones I make every year, and because I was born 10 days from Halloween, they're very festive. They're little mummies, the frosting is white and the bandages are made from big strips of frosting from the frosting tube, and then we stick little eyeballs (peepers) to it. Quite traditional to my family for my birthday.




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