Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bath #2

Okay, so, if your rats still can not stand being in the water, 
your arm is being ripped up,
 and your rats smell like old cheese, 
Please continue reading….

In this post I will tell you how I bathe my rats.

1.Open a drawer. (dresser drawer, bathroom drawer etc.)

2.lay a old towel over the drawer covering the bottom and sides of the drawer.

3.Get a cup of warm water and lay it next to the drawer.

4. Grab some baby or pet soap and set it next to the drawer.

5. Take a bag of your rats favorite treats and lay it next to the drawer.

6. Set your rat in the drawer. 
(Space-wise, it is really better to do one rat at a time, but I suppose you could do more.)

7.Slowly pour the warm water over your rat and take a tiny drop of soap and massage it in.

8. While you are doing this, repeatedly give your rat treats.

9. You can also take a soft old toothbrush and gently scrub your rat.

10. Take more warm water to wash the soap out of your wet-non-fluffy-but-adorable-rat and wrap them in a warm towel to help dry them off.

11. hold your rat and massage your rats fur with the towel until your rat is mostly dry.

Now You Can Enjoy Your Fluffy Rat!!


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