Saturday, January 30, 2016

I love you so incredibly much, Lilac.

The best ratty in the world died yesterday, January 29th, 2016.
Lilac, I love you so much. You were and you still are my best friend. I hate to see a world without you. I love you more than words, Lilac Sorofman. Please rest in peace, my sweet angel.

I remember she would lick away my tears.
She would race across my room, or any other room, to greet people, bounding and leaping in the air with her tail just ever so slightly raised.
She would know to gently pull on my comforter or scratch it from the bottom of my bed and either climb up or use my hand as an elevator.
She would dribble ever so slightly wherever she went.
She could jump really high.
If she heard anyone or anything she would bound up to the cage bars and ask for food and love.
I love her unconditionally.

                                                     Sleep tight, my sweet rat. I love you Lilac.
                                                                            We all do.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I suck.

Whoops. I have no more excuses. I just can't freaking remember about this blog, not that it isn't important to me. It totally is.

   Today was a half-day at school, because Wednesdays always are. I've been waiting for nearly a month to go to the barn but my trainer's been on vacation, and finally today arrived which was my day to go, but then my trainer's husband had to get his appendix out, and he's not doing too well, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to go on Friday. By the way, Friday is my friend's birthday party, but I'm desperate to get on a large mammal.
   Clara and I's assistant teacher is a total geek. He has a fake mohawk and is utterly obsessed with Star Wars, and he's completely freaking out for the 18th, which is when The Force Awakens comes out. (I bet you can guess how I know that...) He does dress like he's a lazier version of a Star Wars character himself, and he doesn't really always realize it. He wears long robes with hoodies sewn on and grey scarves, Moog t-shirts and baggy Goodwill jeans. He knows a lot about almost everything, and he's super funny, you just have to meet him.
   So today the assistant teacher and my main teacher were talking about who they would sacrifice up to the Mayan gods. They were like, "it can't be someone we just want to get rid of, it's an honor to be sacrificed, and the gods want to be pleased. It has to be a good student." And other things they do, like having dance-offs and when we don't do something on time our assistant teacher will make two of the boys sing a heartfelt love song to each other. We're hippies. It's how we roll.
   A little while ago I ordered a Kindle Fire Tablet, because my very old one broke awhile ago. It was on sale for only $50, so why not? I'm super excited for it to come, but it'll come on like the 27th or so because it wasn't stocked. I love amazon. G'night.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I remembered!

Hello to you!

   As the title explains I am not a complete failure to the blog world. Today consisted of noise, noise, and noise, but at least my birthday's tomorrow! :D There isn't much to say about today, but I'll try to explain some parts.

   Today as usual I got up, went to school, blah-de-deh-oh-blah blah blah and y'know, came home. That's all I can say. Everything else isn't that interesting. On Wednesdays, we have half days at school, so right after school tomorrow I get to go out to the barn and bring cupcakes to my trainer and peppermints to the ponies. Yay! The cupcakes are the same ones I make every year, and because I was born 10 days from Halloween, they're very festive. They're little mummies, the frosting is white and the bandages are made from big strips of frosting from the frosting tube, and then we stick little eyeballs (peepers) to it. Quite traditional to my family for my birthday.




Monday, October 19, 2015


Heyo guys,

It's Marin....

So apparently trying to post more isn't working out. I think one of the reasons is because Clara and I have run out of things to post about rats. (The small amounts of audience remaining on this blog is a very quite crowd, either that or there is none, so we've given up on asking for suggestions.) So what I was thinking that we could expand the posts on things other than rats.

I'm going to now put posting on this blog part of the daily routine after school, so now it will go like this:

1. Get a snack
2. Camp out on LDShadowLady's Youtube channel
3. Watch random Youtube videos
4. Play Minecraft
5. Blog
6. Play Sims 4
7. Go to horse back riding
8. Camp out some more
9. Exercise Lilac
10. Do homework
11. Check to see how many views are on the latest post already
12. Edit post
13. Stalk favorite Youtubers
14. Eat dinner
15. Play Minecraft again
16. Play Sims 4 again
17. Exercise guinea pig
18. Exercise puppy
19. Go on a run
20. Dessert
21. Cuddle with dog
22. Edit post more
23. Read
24. Get a night snack
25. Brush teeth and go to bed

So I have a pretty packed day but I managed to fit it in. Hopefully I will remember now.


Monday, July 27, 2015

More Updates

Hey guys,

   We've been very unactive, thus this is a very unsuccessful blog. But basically I'm just going to go over some minor updates. We're running out of ideas for the blog so please suggest some.

    Lilac is a very happy ratty, and cheerful as always. I have recently gotten a 10 1/2 week old-11 week old Red Heeler puppy. His name is Milo and he has a beautiful coat with gorgeous colors, if I do say so myself. He's around 9 pounds.

    We got him from the local Humane Society. He's adorable and his ears hang perfectly over his head. He's a goofball and he enjoys Jungle-Miloing. He runs through the ivies and flowers and likes to hop through the taller sorts of grasses.

     He loves to cuddle. He's really fast, being a cattle dog, but his legs are stubby and he's super tiny. He's unsuccessfully trying to make friends with older brother. He looks dapper in his green color with squirrels.

      So anyways, I've been caught up in Horse Back Riding, and I've been really excited about my new stuff. If anyone out there is a boot sock hoarder, I am too. Also, new Half Chaps smell great. ;-)

                 G'day maties,



Saturday, June 6, 2015


  Alright, so I just realized I remember the password to get into this account. I admit, I had forgot the password, thus making me absent on this blog. I'm officially out for the summer, so I'll post more often.


Lilac is doing great, and she's chirpy and a very happy ratty. She's getting pretty old, though, and I wish she had a human's lifespan... I love my chunky big-boned monkey. 

I'm posting more soon, and stuff that you actually want to read for your rats' or rat's sake, 


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homemade Peanut Rat Treats!

Okay, I know neither me, nor Marin have done a post in a while, and we're sorry. Schoolwork and other things are taking up a lot of time and we have less time to write.

Mini Peanut butter treats!

Peanut Butter
Almond Milk (unsweetened) 
Piping Bag
Star tip (optional)
Ground up almond (optional)
Wax Paper


In a bowl, mix together peanut butter, and almond milk. I did not give a specific amount, because it really varies on how much you need to make and your preferred consistency. When you have added the proper amount of almond milk, the peanut butter should be the texture of thick pudding. If you would like, you could add some crushed up almond into the bowl, your rats will love you either way.
        After you have thoroughly mixed the ingredients, scoop the peanut butter\ almond milk into a pastry bag. If you are like me, and you need everything to look cute, use a pretty star tip with the pastry bag. Lay out a sheet of wax paper and using the piping bag, make little drops of the mixture about a quarter of an inch apart. Note that the treats should not be made too big, because rats can only have so much peanut butter.
 After you are done, put the wax paper in the freezer and let the treats freeze overnight. When the treats are frozen, serve one or two to your rats. Make sure to leave the treats in the freezer if not being consumed by your rat. Do not give the rats a treat if it is slightly melty, only serve if frozen.
I hope you (and your rats) enjoy this recipe!
XOXO *Clara*